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Installation of a Tricel Novo & Sandcel polishing filter at Lurga National School

Sand polishing filter

Due to the ongoing increase in student population, Lurga National School required an extension and needed to increase the size of its old septic tank to facilitate the growing requirements of the premises.

On this project, Tricel worked in partnership with FVG Construction & Maintenance Company Ltd to deliver the most reliable and cost-effective solution available.

This challenge, in essence, comprised of three main elements:

  • Firstly, the requirements resulting from the school’s population growth needed a solution that solved not just this initial increase, but also needed to future-proof the location against further population growth.
  • Secondly, this had to be achieved using a highly cost effective and reliable product which could be delivered and installed with minimum intrusion.
  • Lastly, this solution had to meet all the requirements and essential guidelines set out by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Following a careful and in-depth site study carried out by Engineer Brendan Slevin, the ideal solution got identified as a Tricel Novo wastewater treatment plant coupled with a Tricel Sandcel (sand polishing filter).

As a result, Tricel supplied, delivered and installed the septic tank upgrade to the Lurga Secondary School.

Sand polishing filter

Deciding on the installation of the Tricel Novo & Sandcel polishing filter

Before the process of installing the Tricel Novo and Sandcel polishing filter could begin, or the choice of solution could even get decided, the Engineer had to examine the site itself thoroughly. The development of the project plan was then based on the requirements identified.

Following the initial examination, the Engineer delivered his recommendations taking into account:

  1. The site percolation test results.
  2. The population equivalent (PE) following the requirements of the EPA code of practice for “treatment systems for small communities, business, leisure centres and hotels”.
  3. The specifications of the site location.


Main challenges of the wastewater treatment upgrade project

It was essential to coordinate the installation project in unison with the development of the school extension which was taking place.

Further challenges got identified following the Engineer’s examination; such as the fact that the site location lacked a good percolation area.

In order for the most efficient operation of the wastewater treatment solution, and compliance with EPA requirements, the ideal position for the percolation zone was then identified 170m from the Tricel Novo location.

Elements of the septic tank upgrade & sand polishing filter installation

This septic tank upgrade included a combination of factors to ensure the most cost effective and efficient solution was delivered on time and with the minimal on-site intrusion. This process involved the installation of:

  1. A Tricel Novo IRL 30 wastewater treatment plant
  2. A pump
  3. A Sandcel sand polishing filter

Once approved, the planning permission then got forwarded to both builders and installers. On this project, Tricel worked with FVG Construction & Maintenance Company Ltd., a company with more than 20 years of experience within the building industry.

The installation project was run in unison with the construction company and executed perfectly as both elements communicated information relating to:

  • Project requirements
  • Logistic requirements and installation timing
  • Costings

Both FVG Construction & Maintenance Company Ltd. and the Lurga National School were delighted with the cost-quality ratio of the products, and service, provided by Tricel.

The results

The building contractors successfully delivered the school extension, as well as the decommissioning of the previous, and now defunct, septic tank, as well as a new and upgraded system which can easily handle the school’s growth.

Tricel provided and commissioned the new Novo IRL 30 wastewater treatment solution as well as the Sandcel polishing filter. Tricel also provided FVG Construction with all required certification for each product, ensuring EPA compliance.

This upgrade took place in 2016, and to this day the new and improved system has operated flawlessly. Any increasing numbers of school attendees are easily dealt with by both the Tricel Novo and additional Sandcel sand polishing filter.

If you have a similar project which requires upgrading your current system to provide support for more significant numbers, whether it is a school or any other form of a premise, please contact Tricel directly.

Our entire team of specialists is standing by to assist with any requirements or queries which you may have.